CBD seems to be a big buzzword these days. From tinctures and vape oils to skincare products and bath bombs, it seems like everything is infused with this new “miracle medicine.”
So what exactly is CBD, and what makes it so amazing?
CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is a compound found in cannabis plants. There are over 100 different cannabinoids found within the plant (THC being the most famous for its ability to get you “high”).
Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects, is 100% legal, and is currently revolutionizing the world of medicine as we know it.
CBD is truly one of the most remarkable compounds in the natural world.
According to research, cannabinoids synergize and help support humans’ built-in
Endocannabinoid System (ECS). It was in 1992 that scientists discovered that the ECS plays a direct role in
homeostasis, which regulates every metabolic process in the body, such as pain sensation, appetite, temperature regulation, stress reactivity, immune function, and sleep, as well as other processes. Even more interesting is that muscle and fat tissue also utilize these receptors to control their processes.
So basically,
CBD communicates with our body’s main command center to keep things running as they should. Pretty amazing.