Jon & Missy Butcher

Homeschool Revolution

Made Easy

The Homeschool Revolution empowers parents to create a personalized, curiosity-driven educational journey for their children.

About Our Journey

A World of Learning Beyond Traditional Education

As parents to 4 kids we opted out of the traditional education models and world-schooled our children, while traveling to nearly 100 countries.

Inspired by our journey, our daughter Jessi and her husband Patrick have taken our homeschooling approach to a whole new level. They’ve homeschooled for the last 10 years, experimenting with every available method – from schooling around the world to schooling in the wild, from unschooling to a more structured approach, and from elementary all the way through high school.

Introducing Homeschool Revolution

Empowering Parents to Lead Their Child’s Education

The Homeschool Revolution, designed by Jess and Pat, is an online course for parents who want to break free from traditional schooling. It provides tools to cultivate a love for learning, foster curiosity, and promote individuality and well-being.

Who It’s For

A New Path for Mindful Parents and Curious Kids

This course is tailored for conscious parents ready to liberate their children from standardized education, inviting them to explore, dream, and create a brighter future through a personalized learning experience.

© 2024 Jon and Missy Butcher. All rights reserved.