Kicking the Habit

Article by Keenan Wells

I was 18 when I smoked my first cigarette. Unfortunately it became a habit and I quickly found myself smoking a pack a day. For 5 years I smoked heavily, drank more than I’d care to admit and completely neglected my body. I had attempted to quit smoking a few times, but it was always temporary. I didn’t have a strong purpose.

I attended my Lifebook Session in November 2007 at the age of 24. On the very first day, in the very first category I experienced an epiphany in Health and Fitness. I realized if I was to quit smoking, it was now or never. If I couldn’t do it then, in that moment, I never would.

Throughout the course of my Lifebook Session weekend I thought deeply about my smoking habit, how it affected every aspect of my life, and how my entire lifestyle would improve if I quit. By Sunday of my Lifebook Session I realized I could no longer allow it to be part of who I was. On my drive home from Lifebook I consciously smoked my last cigarette.

It’s been 3 years and I haven’t touched a single cigarette since. It wasn’t easy at first, but it was simple. All it took was willpower and a strong desire for MORE out of my life. More health, wellness, abundance, energy and INTENTION. The longer I went without smoking the better my body felt. Soon it became a turn off, and I couldn’t even imagine putting one in my mouth.

I quickly realized that abandoning cigarettes was the best decision I’ve ever made for my body. It made every aspect of my life better. I was able to start running and lifting weights without the added pressure of poor lung capacity and general lack of energy and motivation. In October 2009 I ran my first full marathon in Chicago and I am now training for an Ironman 70.3 in 2010 (destination to be determined). I am incorporating my love of travel into my health and fitness goals as added motivation and incentive.

The empowerment from this single Lifebook breakthrough not only gave me the strength to dispose of my habit, but it started me on the path of sculpting my ideal body and creating the experiences I want with it. Making the decision to quit smoking literally saved my life!


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