EvEllen Harris: Win in Health and Fitness, Win Everywhere!

My name is EvEllen Harris. I am 39 years old and am on a quest to be in the best shape of my life by the time I am 40!

To achieve this goal, I implemented a six-part goal for the Lifebook Health and Fitness Challenge 2018.

Step one: Begin the challenge with a 3-5 day water fast.
Step two: Workout first thing in the morning 5 days per week.
Step three: Do a second wind workout in the afternoon 5 days per week.
Step four: Intermittent fasting until 2:00 PM daily.
Step 5: Nail my meal plan of unlimited vegetables and 3 ounces of protein at dinner.
Finally, step six: Beat my sugar addiction by having NO sugar or refined carbs for the whole month.

I am happy to report that I nailed all six of my goals for this challenge!

As they are fond of saying in the Lifebook program: “A win here is a win everywhere!”

By accomplishing all the goals I set out to achieve during this challenge, I have seen the needle move in EVERY Lifebook category.

The most meaningful gains I have made were in the categories of health and fitness, emotional life, character, parenting, love relationship, and career.

Win one for health and fitness…

I am really close to my ideal body weight, so I want to increase my muscle mass, thus helping me to look as fit and fabulous as I feel. I was able to increase the amount of weight I can lift in every exercise. I also was able to see a noticeable increase in muscle tone, particularly in my abs, arms, and legs.

My second win was in the emotional life category.

I want to feel more patience with my children. I don’t know if it was the release of extra endorphins, or the fact that I was spending more time on myself, but I genuinely felt greater love and patience for my children throughout the month.

Win number three came in the character category.

One of my foundational goals is to gain self-mastery. I believe we are the POWERFUL creators of our own experience and that by gaining self-mastery I will be able to achieve all I want out of life. I won BIG in this category right at the start of the month by nailing my five-day water fast. This was a huge victory for me right out of the gate.My father-in law passed away at the beginning of November and then with the holidays, I had really allowed myself to go off plan and indulge in foods that were not nurturing to my body. The five-day fast allowed my body to detox and helped me regain my will-power. I showed self-mastery this month by improving my ability to drag myself out of bed at 5:00 AM, when I would rather sleep. I also practiced daily self-mastery by saying NO to cravings and nailing intermittent fasting.

My fourth big win was in the parenting category.

I homeschool my seven beautiful children. Often by the end of the day I am DONE! I have felt depleted and less than loving at times. One of my biggest victories this month was implementing the second wind work out. In the afternoon, around 4:00 when I was feeling my energy wane and my frustration level go up, I would do a second quick workout for about 20 minutes. By the time I was done, I felt energized and was ready for round two of my day! This energy lasted well into the evening and because of that, I was able to implement two of my parenting goals. The first goal being family devotional, where we enjoy taking turns reading from a good book. My second goal was bedtime stories and lullabies for my 19-month-old and 3-year-old. Hearing my 3-year-old say to me at the end of the month, “Mommy you are the nicest mommy to sing THREE songs to me at night” made my heart sing.

Because we were able to institute a good bed-time routine, we also found an extra 1-2 hours in the evening of free-time, which I used obtain…

Yet another win in the Love Relationships category!

I found that my energy was still going strong and I had plenty left to give! My husband and I instituted a nightly couple’s renewal routine where we reconnect with each other. Consequently, we are having more sex now than we have had in nearly 18 years since I got pregnant with our first child 4 months into our marriage! This has fueled my desire to continue improving my health and fitness, so I can look and feel better than ever!

Yet another big win came for me in the Career category.

I launched my home business career, True Source Solutions, this year as a holistic healing coach. Because I was waking up at 5:00 AM to exercise, I found I had an addition one-and-a-half to two hours before my kids woke up. I used this extra time to implement my 90/90/1 goal of spending the first 90 minutes for 90 days on the ONE thing that would move my business forward the most. I was able to complete a six-month certification program in one-and-a-half months, which will allow me to charge more for my energy healing services.

I had no idea when I began this challenge just how true the statement “A win here is a win everywhere” would be.

I am so profoundly grateful to be living proof of just how interconnected these Lifebook categories really are!

I look forward to continuing the momentum I have gained and relishing the journey of crafting an extortionary life!

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