Posted at 15:34h
Written by Lifebook Member Candace C.
Wow…I guess all I can say is I'm in love.
In love with Lifebook!
I went through a divorce this past summer. At that point, I couldn't believe I did it. I left a relationship that I felt unsupported in. Now what was going to happen with my life?? I was heading in a different direction then I thought my life was going to go. I was really nervous about my future and felt like the world was open to me, but I didn't know what to do, where to go, or even who I even was. I had been with the same man for 10 years. Two weeks after I moved out, I took the free introspect assessment and received a very low score…my life was "compromised". Very upsetting at the time.
I remember feeling nervous about attending the live session because I was worried I wouldn't know myself well enough to even get anything written down in my book. Boy I was wrong! By the end, I was so focused and realized I knew who I was all along, I just lost myself and I didn't have a plan!
I would consider myself an over achiever, I have a successful business with over 20 employees, I'm on 4 boards and raise about $100k annually for charity...but I never goal set. I end up waiting until the last minute, but some how always pull it off and usually give a better presentation then someone who had three times as much time. But it stresses me out to live that way and I know I'm limiting my success working that way too. Since going through this program, I've been able to set all my goals necessary and work weekly and daily in a more productive way. I'm also living amuck more balanced life and not spending all my time working.